<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
A fellow named Larry Withers <[log in to unmask]> has started a new
newsgroup called alt.support.food-allergies. There has been some discussion
of wheat, gluten and lactose intolerances in it.
Larry appears to have something to do with treating patients for food
"allergies". To get the newsgroup going he has posted several FAQ documents.
One of them, GLUTEN.TXT, is directly applicable to us. It is highly
recommended reading and is coming from someone that questions the dogmatic
use of the biopsy for diagnosis, believes in food-testing plans, and
believes that some things, like oats, can be trial reintroduced into the diet.
Since the file is 32K I have not included it with this message. But, since
it is worth reading, it has been put up on the listserv and can be
downloaded by sending in the body of an email:
        [log in to unmask]
Also, new newsgroups will frequently not appear until somebody asks their
provider to add it to the newsgroup feed. If you can't find it, send e-mail
to your system administrator asking them to put it up.
I'm hoping this newsgroup will become a good source for finding undiagnosed
celiacs asking for help.
Don in NYC.