<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
This is a reposting of a bounced message from: Maxted Suzanne
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British Airways are not top of my list for safe meals.  Each time I have
flown with them I have received non GF items and meals such as pasta.  If I
do receive a GF meal (and still I must check for GF items) it has been the
standard vegan meal.  Each time I spoke to the steward/stewardess who
affirmed that it was the same as the vegan meal or was unaware of what I
should be receiving (quite understandably) but most of them said they would
inform those who needed to know.  Each time I also write a letter of
complaint to BA sending them copies of my previous letters and each time
they have sent me a standard reply with a voucher, saying they are looking
into improving their services.  This has gone on for years!  I don't want a
voucher, I want a GF dinner!
I have not flown extensively on other airlines (although I am inclined to
when I can) but Virgin and Thai made a super job of providing GF meals when
I flew once with each of  them (Rice cakes, even GF bread).
Like Kirsten, I appreciate the airline trying to provide GF meals but I
would rather they did not try than try and then fail to meet my needs, and
risk making me ill.
I hope this message is of the required format - it is the first I have ever
sent and is my first attempt at connecting to the big wide world!
Suzanne Maxted
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