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John Wiseman <[log in to unmask]> asks:

>         I spent three weeks in Ireland, recently, and decided to try a
> pint of Guiness, just for old times' sake ( a gamble I realize).
> Oddly enough, there were no ill-effects, and so was emboldened to
> continue; does this suggest that there are certain beers that do not
> contain gluten, because my reaction to its presence is usually pretty
> fast?

It's interesting that your reaction and mine are the complete
opposite---that I can handle ordinary beer to some extent, but Guinness
(and stouts and porters) are harder for my gut to deal with.  These
things are rather subjective, I think, but I had it rationalised in
terms of the use of some *unmalted* barley (together with the normal
malted barley) in these beers.
