<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

When I mentioned putting my son on a gluten free diet for his autism my son's
Pediatrician said that the "allergy" I was referring to was Celiac's Disease
and that my son couldn't possibly have that because only person's of a
certain Ethnicity (I forget which one he said) had Celiac's. Well, I wasn't
suggesting that my son DID have Celiac's, but that he MAY be Gluten
intolerant (HE IS).  For those who really do have Celiac's and aren't of the
"right" ethnicity, maybe that is why some Dr.'s aren't considering it.  I
have not had my son tested for Celiac's, so who knows, he may actually have
it in addition to his autism.  Some children w/ autism only have behavioral
reactions to gluten.  My son does have BIG behavioral reactions but he also
has had diarrhea, which was better after going lactose free, but completely
disappeared agter going gluten free as well.  He didn't look like he was
"starving" but he was pretty thin considering the amount of food he ate (all
gluten and dairy, of course) and his enherited family traits (being heavy).
 He also gets red ears and runny nose after eating gluten (but not from
I have found that I have gotten more sound advice from other parents, adults
on the "net" than I ever got from the Dr.'s!  One Dr. even told me there is
absolutely no connection between behavior and allergies!  He could come take
care of my son after a big spaghetti supper!
For those of you who can watch OPRAH, her show on 06/22 was about food and
nutrition and the last 15 minutes was about allergies. One Dr. actually
described some of the COMMON BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS associated with food.