<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I was diagnosed with CD about a year ago, after 3 or so years of severe

We have a 7 year old daughter that I also suspect has CD. She does not have
the "typical" symptoms. She has a slight attention defficit, more gas than
"normal", and had a large stomach (she is otherwise quite thin). Since
going on the diet 4 or 5 months ago, she has a lot more energy than before
and needs several less hours of sleep at night. She also noticed that she
doesn't get tummy aches like she used to.

We haven't had her tested yet. We started her on a GF diet before any blood
tests were done. The current plan is to do a blood test at the end of the
summer, and another one several months after that to try and establish a
baseline on a GF diet. Then we will do a gluten challange and do another
blood test. If the last blood test comes out positive or we notice any other
smptoms we will do a biopsy.

She has adapted very well to the GF diet, and although she claims to not be
able to tell much difference in how she feels, she is very carefull to eat
only "safe" foods.

I have two other children (19 months & 9 years old) who seem to have no
problems with glutten. We haven't decided if we are going to get them tested
or not...

Paul Jatkowski
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Naperville, IL. (USA)