
> [NOTE: This is a fowarded post, not authored by sender@email address ]
> [ Fowarded by:  Judy Pokras <[log in to unmask]> ]

I like very much this message, it reminds me what I have reaad in "Fit for
Life" and also what I learned from the Hygienic Movement. May I add some
suggestions or comments?

>           I have fresh fruit for breakfast.  Whatever I can buy that's
> organically grown but not too expensive.  Grapefruit or apples, sometimes
> kiwi, sometimes mango, now peaches, maybe tangerines.

It is suppossed to be preferable not to mix acid fruitss with sweet fruits.
For instance, kiwi and peaches should not be mixed. But some people can
easily digest such combinations. Bananas are good too.

>          Lately, my lunch is around dinnertime, combined with dinner, and
> is always a large salad, with any combination of the following: buckwheat
> greens, sunflower shoots, sunflower sprouts, clover sprouts, garlic
> sprouts, other mixed sprouts, celery, scallions, mesclun, dandelion greens,
> dulse, arame, nori, cucumber, watercress, tomato, red bell pepper.

You seem to like very much sprouts. Have you tried alfalfa sprouts? You can
harvest them afte only 2 days, they contain a good amount of free anino acids
whch require little digestion. You can also harvest them after 5-7 days, they
however contain much more water and fiber.

>               I like the Amy's brand frozen Tamale pie, as a lazy option.
> I'm allergic to wheat and soy, so try to avoid them except for every fourth
> day.  This can be difficult when I'm lazy or eating out with regular  people!

Are you allergic to wheat and/or soy sproutss? Maybe you should try them. Wheat
2-3 days, unless you want wheat grass. Soy, 7 days, time needed to destroy
trypsin-inhibitor, an enzyme that may cause allergy by interfering with
protein digestion.

>             For a desserty treat, I have frozen bananas with maybe some

Are you talking about the "banana ice cream"?

> nuts and carob powder and shredded coconut.  Or, I might indulge in Carob
> Mint Rice Dream on occasion.

> do you have a water distiller?  I buy gallons of distilled water, but
> regrettably they're of plastic.  Can you recommend a water distiller?

I got one about 10-11 years ago (and I stll works). I don't remember
exactly the company, I think it was Pure Water Inc. I think you can find
something in yellow pages of phone directory or go to various helath food
stores. They may have something to recommend.

BTW, a gallon of water taken from your distiller wll cost you much less than
bottles you buy. Probably 5-10 times less, depending on the model and the cosst
of electricity in your area.

> Thanks!