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Hi Everybody,

Seems that taking a biopsy is slightly different here in Belgium than in the

Here's the procedure i'm going through (for the second time, last one was
juni 1994):

1.Since yesterday I have to take 20 drops of laxoberon (a strong laxativa) a
2.Tomorrow I'll be on a fluid-food diet.
3.friday = D-day:
Enter hospital at 8.30 am (sober)
Swallow 3 a 4 l of water with a terrible tasting stuff in it.  In between
the glasses drink an awfull syrup.
I guess I do not need to describe the results of this morning...

Around 3pm finally I can go for the biopsy.

Am I living in the dark ages over here in Belgium?   Many people told me
about a 30-minute procedure over there (what a dream).  Why must I go
through this?  Anyway, I will survive this friday, but I'd prefer a more
comforatble biopsy...

Grote Moortel 7
B-9830 Sint-Martens-Latem

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