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I'm the mother of a 12-year old boy with ADHD (Attention Deficit
with Hyperactivity Disorder). I recently read an article on the
ADD newsgroup that mentioned the relationship between gluten/lactose
intolerance and ADHD.

This really got my attention because my son, Tom, had both milk and
wheat "allergies" when he was an infant. The milk allergy came
and went between 9 months and 18 months. The wheat sensitivity
showed up at 18 months in the form of vile, chronic diarreah.

After several attempts to control it with various diets and medications,
we took him off wheat. Even then it took many months before his
first "normal" bm. Imagine my delight...

Anyway, after a couple years, we reintroduced wheat, and he seemed to
digest it fine. So really, we haven't given it too much thought since
then. Until I read that article, that is.

In addition to this, I have a brother who had dignosed celiac disease
when he was a baby, and I think my father had some form of it as an
infant as well. There are also stories about Tom's father having
a prolonged flu, too, which might have been something related to

I would like to hear from people who have some knowledge and experience
with the relationship between celiac and ADHD. The article said the
only reliable way to diagnose celiac is with a small intesine biopsy.
I sure don't want to put Tom through anything like that. Are there
other diagnostic tests?

Neither would we lightly embark on a gluten or wheat-free diet without
good cause. He's just about a teenager and loves pizza, burgers, etc.
I also remember how difficult the wheat-free diet was when he was small.

Since I've just subscribed, I don't know if you are already sick of this
subject. If there is existing mail, I'd really appreciate it if someone
could send me copies. I'd also love to see a FAQ, if there is one. Of course,
my next question will be: How do you help a teenager stay on a gluten-free
diet??? Sigh.

Thanks very much,