<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

On Tue, 18 Apr 1995, Donna Politzi wrote:

> Hello!
> I see some of you have children with celiac disease--- what are the symptoms
> in children and how are they diagnosed?
> :) Donna

It doesn't suprise me that a Doctor is much concerned - I've had a number
see my son and insist I was over reacting, it was just the flu and I rash.
Lohr's (my son) symptoms were:
diarrhea - his stools were usually green and white and floated, or were
        so watery they just formed and oily layer on the surface.
blistery/pimply rash on arms, legs and buttocks malnurished, even though
        he ate everything in sight (he also loved bread and crackers)
hard rock like stomach - distended.
Gas, stomach pains

Total disappearance of all symptoms but the rash (which cleared up
considerably) once on a gluten free diet, and reoccurance of symptoms
with a gluten challange.

Well, these are all the symptoms I can remember.  I also noticed a marked
improvement in his behavior once he was on an allergen/gluten free diet!
Christine Childs