<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am in need of some information regarding diagnosis and symptomology of
Celiac Disease. I have had 3 1/2 months of severe heartburn and have been
on anti-ulcer medication since end of January. Heartburn and gas have
worsened despite medications, I have lost about 12 pounds over the last
year. I had an endoscopy done a few weeks ago. The gastro-entrologist
said my esophagus, and stomach checked out ok but the biopsy from my
small intestine showed it was flat, damaged micro-villi which is
normally consistent with Celiac Disease. He said it was a
totally unexpected finding but recommended I go on the anti-gluten diet.
I know Celiac is not a common disease in North America. Is it possible
that my symptoms are just differrent from the normal celiac patient? I am
concerned about this as I don't know whether I should be getting other
tests done. Any information regarding this would be greatly appreciated.

Lisa Overton
Guelph, ON Canada..