I wholeheartedly agree with you on the adherance to a strict gluten-free
diet.  The pediatric gastro for my son (2 1/2 yrs old) and my gastro and
the Canadian Celiac Association have all said that "Any gluten is too
much gluten" for a celiac.  Both gastros stated that any amount of gluten
will cause damage to the villi even though no symptoms my result from
ingestion of gluten.

I also follow the rule that if I'm not sure I won't feed my son (or
myself) the food item in question.  The only reactions I've ever had is
iron deficient anemia.  My son on the other hand responds with the
classic celiac symptoms of smelly, foamy stools, bloated tummy, really
cranky and if he has gotten to much he will vomit.  I don't know how long
the period is between ingestion and onset of symptoms since he usually
has gotten into something without me knowing it.  For his sake we try to
have very little in the way of gluten containing food in the house but
our budget does not allow everything to be GF for everyone in the family.

-- karen , Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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