<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In reply to Jennifer Peltier <[log in to unmask]>

>First I am looking for a definition and symptoms of celiac diease.
>Also is this interchangable for gluten intolerant?  What is Dermatitis
>Herpeteformis (DH)?
>Second are there standard lab tests (ie blood, any other?)

These questions are probably best dealt with by reading the archives, as
there has previously been extensive discussion of them.  Your welcome
message will show you how to do this, or email me privately for help.
Once we get our FAQ file (frequently asked questions) finished, these
important but basic questions will be more easily dealt with.

>Third how do I locate a doctor who is familliar w/CD and the proper
>forms of testing?
>Fourth how do I find a local support group (I live in LA)?

An excellent national celiac support group, which happens to be located
in LA, is the Celiac Disease Foundation, run by Elaine Monarch
818-990-2354.  They have diet and cooking information, sources of GF
food, etc.  She will also have materials which will answer your overall
questions.  Elaine can give you the name and phone number of
'celac-aware' gastroenterologists in the part of LA closest to you.  My
son was diagnosed by Harry Cynamon 310-652-8031 at Cedars-Sinai.  A well
known celiac specialist is Marvin Ament at UCLA 310-206-6134.  Betty
Bernard is herself a celiac and a pediatrician, and recently set up a
celiac clinic affiliated with USC.  Her number is 310-940-7847.

Bill Elkus <[log in to unmask]>