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The following was posted on the AUTISM listserv, and may be of interest to
those following the impact of gluten on developmental disorders:

1/5/95   12:15 PM
Subject: Biochemical Research into Autism
From:  "Brenda O'Reilly" <[log in to unmask]> via
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B. A. O'Reilly*. Director, Allergy-induced Autism Support and Research
Network (UK), 3 Palmera Avenue, Calcot, Reading. Berkshire, RG3 7DZ, United
Kingdom, and Dr R. H. Waring,Department of Biochemistry, Birmingham
University, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom

             We are currently carrying out studies to determine whether
children with autism and known food/chemical intolerances have a deficiency
of phenol-sulphotransferase-P enzyme and/or a low capacity to oxidise sulphur
compounds.  On the results obtained so far, all 18 children have a low enzyme
level, and some have a low capacity to oxidise sulphur compounds. This enzyme
metabolises phenols and amines.  Therefore with a reduced level, these
children will be unable to fully metabolise foods and chemicals which contain

       Many drugs are metabolized on this pathway, and these children do have
adverse reactions to various medications.  Courses of antibiotics result in a
worsening of autistic behaviour, sedatives have the reverse effect, and
anaesthesia is known to cause difficulties.  Amines are also metabolized with
this enzyme, and a deficiency would cause a build-up of substances such as
serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline.  If, as a result of this build-up,
serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, and other body chemicals are being
further metabolised this will produce substances similar to phytotoxins, for
example.  This could happen due to phenolics competing for and inhibiting
amine oxidase.  Inert neurotransmitters could also be manufactured, such as
octopamine, which is the phenol analogue of noradrenaline, as well as
substances similar in structure to morphine or LSD, which may well explain
the bizzare behaviour seen in autism.

        The majority of children in this category - autistic-like children
who were perfectly normal up until a certain age (mainly between 18 months -
two years, although this varies) - have allergy to or intolerance of many
foods/chemicals, the main offenders being wheat, cow's milk and salicylates.
Their family histories show asthma, eczema, migraine, hayfever, plus many
other allergy-related conditions.

         Their siblings display learning difficulties, dyslexia, etc. and the
affected children have a strong tendency towards being left-handed or
ambidextrous, this mostly occurring when they transfer from their normal
state to their autistic-like state.Many metabolic processes can be disturbed
by phenolic compounds, and so cause many physical problems which are only
slightly noticeable in childhood, such as excessive thirst, night sweats,
facial flushing, increased pulse rate, abdominal disturbances, etc, but
nevertheless are present, but not investigated as a part of their mental

      The children display cravings for the very substances which do them
damage, which are not only contained in foods, but also in the non-food items
they mouth, suck, chew and ingest, eg. plastics, rubber, paper, metal,
cement, soap, perfume, food colourings, and at the onset of autism, their
diet changes completely.  They become picky eaters, only eating very few
foods, and start to eat non-foods to great excess. The  results so far have
proved that there is a metabolic disturbance in these children, and we now
hope to carry out further studies on more children and different biochemical
pathways to determine whether there may be other factors contributing to this

        Any comments on this abstract or any other related topics
that may be of interest to me, either post to the news group (quote
Brenda O'Reilly), or e-mail me at:

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