<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Bill elkus asked:

> Do parents of a CD child on a strict GF diet, with confirmed negative CD
> antibodies once the diet has been establish, no adverse g/i symptoms (i.e
> bowel, cramps, stool), good growth and otherwise normal health....does this
> child still need to be seen by a g/i periodically, and if so, what does the
> g/i do during the exam

Joe Murray answered ( general info only not specific mediacl advice)
If the original biopsy was that of classic CD disease and there was a
complete clinical response to the GFD, i.e.symptoms gone, deficiencies
corrected, antibdies going from abnormal to the negative when done in a
reliable fashion. then follow up biopsy is not necessary.  Growth sudden
be a along a reestablished path.  The child is compliant with the
gluten free then there may not be a need to continue to see pediatric
GI.  A reason to continue to do so maybe evry other year or so would be
interact with resource people like dietitian, and mediacl update on
developements as they may relate to the individual patients.  I realise
that may of the celiac community obtain this type of information
themselves through support groups.

In life long conditions that are diagnosed in childhood it is all too
easy and frequent that the patient as they grow up forget about the
problem and with changes in mediacl providers the Drs. forget about the
significance of the diagnosis in later life.  I see all too many pateitn
with a childhood diagnosis of CD who have forgotten about it and drifted
off the diet, who then present later in life with " ulcers" colitis" or
irritable Bowel"n  who undergo misdirected tests when the corect
diagnosis is in their old history.  This would be one advantage of a
personel health data card that would follow people for life.
In situations where the diagnosis is in some doubt there should be some
careful follow up by the pediatric GI.
Joe Murray