<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Celiacs who are traveling in Mexico may find the following information
useful, as I did during a trip to Cozumel two years ago.  The paragraph
was written by a native of southern Mexico to whom I had given the GIG
restaurant card, CSA diet card, information about my additional
sensitivities to soy and canola oil, and some suggestions about things I
can eat.  Because I speak no Spanish, I'm not sure what it says, but I
guess that some gender changes would be needed if the information were
carried by a man.

La portadora de la presente padece un problema en su intestino.  NO ES
UNA ALERGIA, por tanto es importante tener precauciones con sus
alimentos.  DEBE EVITAR siempre trigo, avena, cebada, centeno asi como
harinas en cualquier forma; aceites que hayan sido utilizados para
empanizados u otras comidas; vinagre, espesadores productos enlatados (no
salsas de tomate CASERAS) quesos y productos lacteos procesados (aditivos
preservativos etc,), pastas o te de hierbas.  Se recomienda la
preparacion de los alimeentos de la manera mas sencilla posible, como
pescado o carnes asadas, huevos y frutas.  Su ayuda es muy importante ya
que la vida de la persona corre riesgos.  SE AGRADECE INFINITAMENTE SU

I presented a plastic-coated card with this information to waiters in a
number of hotels and restaurants.  They read it with apparent care, did
not throw me out, and served me good food that I ate without getting sick.