<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Lisa-- would it be possible to put the full article on gopher or
an ftp site somewhere? I would very much like to see the whole thing
(just what you posted is very interesting and informative), and
others are likely to be interested also so this would be easier than
forwarding to a bunch of people. Also, if it's on gopher then people
can do keyword searches anytime anywhere and be able to find it.
                 Peace, Cathy Flick  [log in to unmask]
P.S. I remember reading an article a long time ago by Dr. Marshall
Mandell, M.D. about some clinical experiments with schizophrenics--
he found quite a few had food allergies, and when their diet was
adjusted their symptoms improved. Since "cerebral" symptoms are
pretty common in food allergies/chemical intolerances, this isn't
too surprizing. Autistics must be extremely sensitive in general,
so while gluten and casein avoidance sounds sensible to start with
it would seem that extensive allergy testing and also testing
responses to various common chemicals might be helpful as well.
Individual autistics might have other food/chemical sensitivities.