It’s a work in progress–the classic statement, right? What am I talking about? I am building a site where I can meet and work with people. The site is <>

I have chosen a number of capabilities for this site, all of which make it possible for people to join and work together on various projects, engage in conversations and discussions, and make specific their interests. Obviously, the overall site is about post-secular thought and its implications, but I have created three groups that members can join to either refine that interest or expand it, depending on one’s activities. The groups are “Culture & Society,” “Philosophy & Theology,” and "Psychology & Psychotherapy,” (the last one includes considerations of research, but really research could be developed coming out of any of these groups). 

You do not have to believe in God to be part of this. You don't have to be religious. You don't have to leave your secular commitments behind either, and why not? Because post-secularity is not just a simple return to religion (not many people would be interested in THAT). Part of the work ahead is finding a realistic understanding of what post-secularity actually is. You are welcome.

The overall site is growing in its capacities, but there will undoubtedly be glitches in the system that I will have to work out. It will be possible to upload articles, share and discuss them, and to create video playlists. I would like to work on projects together, and together with you create something worthwhile. I will do all I can to keep scammers, spammers, and mischief-makers out of there. I have invested in the software. I’m here for the foreseeable future. Will you come and see what we can create together? I am asking people to register if they want to participate (i.e. post comments and engage with others). That is partly to help keep spurious content from ruining the environment. Hope to see you there.
Gstalt-L is an independent eCommunity of people interested in gestalt therapy theory and its various applications. Its public archives can be found at, and subscriptions can be managed by clicking on "Subscriber's Corner," which is found at the archives.