In reference to what you said below, “the twisting of ‘our’ values,” whose values? Values are entwined in politics. Also in spirituality. Also in morality. But there is no one size fits all supporter of Trump. There is no MAGA monolith; that is a creation of the left and a straw man talking point. There are people who share some values and differ on others who may also support Trump. Personally, I lament church leaders as it were making a Dorian Gray type bargain in the hope of getting some political goal, because the church will never get what it wants from the world. The world cannot understand the church. And when I say “church,” I’m not talking about the Constantinan hybrid that many people think is the church. 

The current electoral season is a cluster fuck that would have made for a comedic farce only ten years ago. Now it is a tragedy. 

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> On Feb 11, 2024, at 7:10 AM, Dan Bloom <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> To the extent the churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples stand by and watch the twisting of our values by MAGA, they are complicit. Since religions are supposed to be the source of morality, they have a greater duty to take moral stands than other institutions.   The only consistent moral stand I see then taking in all this is against the right to choose.  Fortunately, some religions push back against the right to life people. 

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