Hi Tom,


I’ve been following your Winamp thread on another list.  BTW, I too never found the advanced options, etc. in the Winamp preferences.  Perhaps it has to do with the version of Winamp.  I am running 5.9.1.  Anyway, hopefully, I can help you nail all 3 of your tech goals for today.


I find it easy to set/change the default browser as follows:

  1. Open the default app settings.  I tap/release the Windows/Start Button (to the right of my left Control Key), and begin typing “default.”  Before finished, I hear something that lets me know default app settings has been selected, so I tap Enter.
  2. Tab a few times, until web browser is selected.  In my case, I hear, “web browser Google Chrome button.”
  3. Tap Enter.
  4. Shift-Tab and/or Tab through options, until the browser you want to set as default is selected.
  5.  Tap Enter.  That’s it!  You can then Alt F4 to close the window.




From: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Tom Kaufman
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2024 2:04 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [VICUG-L] How Do I Change My Default Browser?


Hello list:  I currently have Microsoft Edge as my default browser; would like to change it back to Google Chrome; how do I make this happen; for that matter, then should I decide (once I can change to Google Chrome, I want to change back to Microsoft Edge, what steps do I take to make the magic happen? 


Tom Kaufman

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