Jeanne:  I have had similar frustrations with a health portal.  After
viewing the Cerna Health web site and also checking IQHealth (site
owned by Cerna) I would suggest that your best option may be to
contact CErna support directly and indicate that you are a screen
reader user trying to navigate their IQHealth portal.  Here is the
"client support" phone number I found, and, I hope this helps.  My
provider recently changed portals and although it is not Cerna I'm in
a similar predicament.
 Phone:  +1.866.221.8877

On 1/24/22, Jeanne Fike <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently I asked a question about a patient portal where I could view
> my health information. The company is called Cerner Health. Has anyone
> had experience with Cerner Health and accessing things like the home
> page, reviewing messages, etc. using JAWS? The hospital system my
> doctor is with has iquealth run trhough Cerner. The homepage and other
> items on the left side of the screen are not available with JAWS. My
> sighted husband sees a box on the scrten when JAWS is up. He can
> navigate to the homepage with the mouse but JAWS does not work to get
> to it. the information.
> I have used Epic's system when I was with another healthcare system
> and it was a lot more accessible with JAWS.
> Any feedback is appreciated.
>     Jeanne
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 Steve Hoad

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