Microsoft will be basing future versions of Microsoft Edge on Chromium

As far as I know, Safari hasn't been ported to Window, but Chrome and 
Firefox are both alternatives on Windows.

On 2/11/19 3:19 PM, Jim Hamilton wrote:
> On the heals of Dan's 'warning' e-mail, does anyone have more information on how Microsoft plans to revise Microsoft Edge?  So far, I have heard that the name will stay, and they may build the Edge replacement using "chromium", which I do not know.
> Can we use Apple's "Safari" on a Windows 10 PC?  Hmm, I like the sound of that!
> Thanks.
> Jim H
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Dan TeVelde
> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 3:38 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [VICUG-L] FW: Re: [bits] Article: Stop using Internet Explorer, warns Microsoft's own security chief
> I'm sharing this information for people who are still using Internet Explorer.  I gave it up about a year ago and don't regret it.  Apologies for the > sign at the beginning of each line.  I used to know a command which would get rid of them all at once but can't remember.
> Dan
> Internet Explorer, warns Microsoft's own security chief  From the
>   Telegraph ...Stop using Internet Explorer, warns Microsoft's own
>   security chief By Hasan Chowdhury|Feb. 8th, 2019
>   Microsoft's own security
>   chief has warned millions of people who continue to use Internet
>   Explorer as a default web browser are placing themselves in "peril".
>   The company, which first developed Internet Explorer in 1995, is no
>   longer supporting new development for the web browser. Continued use
>   of the software was potentially risky, according to Chris Jackson,
>   Microsoft’s worldwide lead for cyber security.
>   Internet Explorer has
>   increasingly fallen out of favour for both users and developers amid
>   the rise of alternatives like Google Chrome and Apple’s Safari, which
>   have grabbed an increasing share of the web browser market.
>   Google Chrome overtook
>   Internet Explorer as
>   the world's most
>   popular web browser
>    in 2016.
>   Microsoft has been looking at
>   new business ventures in its bid to reinvent itself and compete with
>   Silicon Valley's incumbents. In November, Microsoft briefly overtook
>   Apple as the world's most valuable publicly-listed company as
>   investors have gained confidence in its push into cloud computing.
>   “We’re
>   not supporting new web standards for it and, while many sites work
>   fine, developers by and large just aren’t testing for Internet
>   Explorer these days,”
>   Mr Jackson said.
>   Microsoft
>   has in recent years encouraged users to adopt its more modern web
>   browser, the Microsoft Edge, which was released in 2015.
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Christopher (CJ)
Chaltain at Gmail

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