dear heavenly father I lift up phil to you I pray lord that you would help him to figure out what is going on with this leg. I pray lord that you would just heal it within your will. I pray that you would just be with this whole situation in jesus name amen.

On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 10:28 PM, Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I was sound asleep at 5:30 this morning when I awakened with a start.  My right calf was tied in a knot and hurt like I couldn’t believe.  I noticed the past few days, when I went to walk of the 4 steps from my office into our kitchen, that my right leg felt like it wasn’t going to take the weight so I’d lead with my left leg.  The left has been the weakest but I didn’t put it all together until today.  When the Charley horse hit, I was going to jump out of bed but often, if I stretch my leg out for awhile, it fades and I don’t have to stand on it to get it to release.  I did get up to go out on the couch, however, but my right foot wasn’t acting right.  My right ankle is weak and I cannot raise my toes even as much as I can with my left foot now.  My legs almost made me go to the doctor today but I have an appointment next Tuesday so I’m praying I can make it till then.  I’m walking differently now, too, so my left foot and leg are not liking it and I’m off balance.  I got down on the floor to pick something up a little while ago and my right foot didn’t want to fold under me so I could stand back up.  I had to pull myself up holding onto the counter top and even then, I could hardly make it.  So your prayers would be appreciated.

Walking On Snakes