I have excellent news today. We can arrange transport to collect our canine 
boy Thursday around 11:30 am Eastern at our local vet. Todd has been sent to 
the clinic and will spend one night there before he comes home! He is still 
on antibiotics and canned food. For 5 days he can't walk more than 3 blocks 
at a time; for 10 days he can't play with our other dogs; and he's not to 
eat rich foods, raw hide treats or sauces for at least 14 days. It will be a 
process of patience and love to gradually get him stronger as he's lost a 
lot of weight, but we're overjoyed to have him back! I'm sure this will 
prove to the medical staff that miracles still happen as the specialist said 
to my husband that Todd came back from the brink of death. Thanks for all 
your prayers when we were pleading for his life. Now we can rejoice and give 
thanks to God.