May 26, 2016
BBC News Africa

A court in Kenya has given a landmark ruling in favour of children born out of wedlock including their father's name on their birth certificate, as a leading local newspaper tweets

Wanyama wa Chebusiri
BBC Africa, Nairobi

Kenya judge: All children have right to register their father's name

I have more on the landmark judgement in Kenya allowing the inclusion of the father’s name on birth records of children born out of wedlock.

Judge Mumbi Ngugi observed in her ruling that children born outside marriage face discrimination based on their parent’s marital status.

She noted that every child has a right to have the name of their father on the birth certificate. 

The father’s consent will not be required as has been the case up until now - and some birth certificates have Xs marked in the slot for the father.

This case was brought to court by an unmarried mother who wanted her children to have their father’s name entered in birth registers arguing that as it discriminated against them in terms of inheritance.

A baby in kenyaAFP
The judge ruled all Kenyan children should have the right to have their father's name on their birth certificate

Ann Marie

"The art of living consists of knowing what to pay attention to and what to ignore."  -- Mardy Grothe

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