I apologize for not reading your entire email. If you open the file that is
to be sent it will come up in Notepad where you can edit.

John  KC2QJB

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Mike Duke, K5XU
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2014 4:08 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: N3FJP Logging Software Question


The general non-contest log will let you select a full list option in the
"List" menu.

But, he doesn't include that menu in the contest logs.

So, if you figure out how to do that, please post it here. There are times
when I need to get beyond the last 20 or whatever contacts to fix something,
and can't do it.

Mike Duke, K5XU