Hi liserts,

I'm wondering if anyone who is going to Dayton this year could pass by Wimo
Electronics of West Germany and look at the magnetic loop they sell.


It is priced at around $1200.


What makes it unique is that it comes with a keypad and you can directly
enter your transmit frequency with that and it will automatically tune the
loop there.


I tried corresponding via e-mail with Wimo and got mostly fractured english
for my efforts.


This looks like an interesting magnetic loop but it is three times the price
of the Mfj offering.


Also it seems it comes only with a 220 volt power supply.


I was not able to ascertain if there is a 120 volt power supply for this


It would also be interesting to find out if there is a US distributor for
this magnetic loop.


Thanks in advance for the help


Eric Clegg