unexpected blessings
I was visiting a church once and the pastor was preaching on being thankful.  He said, recently, since nobody in the church offered to mow the church lawn, he went out on a very hot Saturday and did it himself.  Half the time, he said, he complained he had to mow the church grass when someone else should be doing that while he worked on his sermon.  He said when he finally ran down, he heard the Lord say, "Whose church is this anyway?"  The pastor said, "Why, it's yours, Lord."  Jesus said, "And who gave you this church to pastor?"  He, of course, answered, "Well, you did, Lord."  God said, "Then what are you complaining about?  I gave you a church and a people to pastor, and that means I gave you the grass, too."  The pastor said, the rest of the time he just praised and thanked God the whole time he mowed and he said he'd never complain about it again.  You are right, Rhonda.  It's things like that which are blessings worth crying about and praising the Lord for all at the same time.
----- Original Message -----
From: [log in to unmask] href="mailto:[log in to unmask]">Rhonda Partain
To: [log in to unmask] href="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 7:30 PM
Subject: unexpected blessings

Sometimes little things happen, that remind us that God sees our situation, is aware of our concerns, and has not forgotten us.

Be anxious about nothing!! the Bible advises. Worry and prayer are opposites.  I read this verse and think of all I have to be anxious about. There are big things, and then little things. I know I can trust God; His track record is awesome. I am always provided for, emotionally, physically, and even in the small things. Today someone I've only met once came over and cut my grass. He does this for a living; but he did it for free. He knew of our situation, a recent hospitalization of my husband. It needed to be done, and he did it. My eyes filled with tears of gratitude as once again I realized that God loves me, and cares about the little things like the grass.

Thank You Lord, for your love and care and for the reminder that I shouldn't be anxious but instead give all my concerns to you. You are faithful to meet even the smallest need. Bless this one who gave so generously of his time and energy. May I be in a position to bless someone else as I've been blessed today. Your love is amazing, I am overwhelmed.