David, several have answered your "what is that" question.

I will add that most new rigs come out of the box with their 
power leads tinned.

You can tell because the bare wire on the ends will be a bit 
stiff, and there will be no loose strands sticking out.

This makes it easier to push the wire through the holes in 
the bolt, somewhat like threading a needle.

It also makes crimping and soldering easier, but as someone 
said, is not totally necessary for those purposes.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Pearson" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 8:38 AM
Subject: possibly another silly question

Firstly, thanks for the responses regarding radio 
connections to a power =
supply, I believe that the attachment bolts can be removed 
completely, =
so it appears that ring terminals would be best.  Using a 
small zip tie =
to mark one of the leads is also quite helpul.  One response 
mentioned =
that the power lead ends should be tinned.  Not exactly sure 
what this =
term means.

What does this mean, and why is it done?

Thank you all again,

David S. Pearson-wa4dsp