Hi All,

Is it possible to change the TTS for Narrator in Windows 8.1? I don't 
mean the voice. I mean the actual TTS to something other than Windows 
SAPI voices.

I bought a new Windows 8.1 desktop, which will arrive in about a week. 
Though I mostly use my Windows 7 netbook for work, I've been learning 
Narrator on a Windows 8.1 laptop.

As I've said on this list, the new Narrator is very screen reader like; 
however, there are a few things about it that make me think I don't want 
to use it for work. One of the biggies is general sluggishness. I had a 
revelation about that recently. I was using NVDA and a different TTS on 
that computer. Then I decided to try the Windows SAPI voices with NVDA. 
When I did, I noticed the same sluggishness, and it occurred to me that 
Narrator wasn't to blame for that particular issue.

Any suggestions about how I can use a different TTS with Narrator?


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