Greetings fellow blind hams,

I am eric and also a blind ham. I decided (once I got other things squared away here) to join the list.

My station:
	HF radio: Yeasu FT-757GX1 with MFJ-949e Antenna tuner, Palomar Tuner-Tuner noise bridge, and Carolina Windom 80-10 meter antenna
VHF/UHF: Kenwood TMD-710 Dual Band Mobile with comet CX-902 Base Antenna
Several Handheld radios.

My HF radio would normally be inaccessible to the blind except that I use an FIF-232C computer interface and rigctl (rig control) for Ubuntu Linux. This allows me to set my radio to any frequency with little fuss.  This control program also works with many other radios supported under the HamLib package for linux.Since this is a command line program, it will work well with ORCA (on the unity desktop) or with BRLtty for strictly command line linux. I am using this program via a terminal shell on the desktop and it works well. I can even invoke it via an SSH (secure shell) session and remotely control the radio from my desk. now about the only thing I need to figure out is how to port the audio via a network connection and listen to it on my mac in another part of the house. Thats a project for another day.
