I hadn't thought of that thing in years.

As I recall, it showed a face that looked as though it had 
an old sock hanging from its mouth.

I got one of those certificates after chatting with a guy in 
Fort Smith Arkansas, I think it was, on the 40 meter Novice 
band shortly before passing my General in 1970.

That certificate is probably still somewhere at my mother's 

I will see if I can find it sometime when I am over there.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:47 PM
Subject: Old Rag Chewers Certificate

There use to be a ham thing called the Rag Chewers Club. 
You got a =
certificate by talking to one ham for 30 minutes; phone or 
cw, it didn't =
matter.  Then there was the 6 hour QSO which you could only 
talk to one =
person for 6 straight hours and there was another=20
certificate for that.  A blind friend of mine that got his 
license three =
months before I did, and I, did both.  So, there is lots to 
talk about =
on the ham bands.
