
If your radio is new, you've already got the latest firmware.  However, if 
you really need to update the firmware, it's easy to do even if you're 
totally blind.

First, you need to have the programming cable, which needs to be connected 
to your radio and your PC.  Then, go to the Kenwood download site and get 
the latest firmware, which comes in a Zip file.  Save the file to your 
computer, open it, and extract the files inside.  One of them is the 
executable you run to update the firmware.  The other file is a set of 
instructions on how to do the update.  As long as your radio and your PC are 
talking to each other, the update will be quite smooth.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "KK4AHX Darren Duff" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 16:28
Subject: Updating firmware on the tmv71a.

> Hi guys. I want to update my firmware but I'm not sure how to do it. Is it
> safe? Can it be done by a blind person? I just got this rig and do not 
> want
> to mess it up!
> 73.
> Darren Duff.
> amateur radio station KK4AHX.
> Vice President,
> Cherokee Amateur Radio Society.
> http://www.cherokeehams.com
> Cherokee County ARES.
> http://www.cherokee-ares.org
> When all else fails, Amateur Radio