First, the time I didn't check where the email went it went to Lloyd, sorry.
I have the computer hooked up to the Kenwood, but I didn't know it 
would find the radio.  I am running window-eyes.
I will try to poke around and be more spaciffic about the program.
I just got the computer and the radio working about a day ago.
I will try to do more experimenting with it before I ask again.
On another topic, I am on 3.9622 Sunday nights with KC2RJR, and 
W2ZZA.  who got me in to ham radio, if anyone wants to say hi.
KD2CDUAt 03:28 PM 1/6/2013, you wrote:
>A few of us use XMlog.   It's not my main logger, I mostly use it as a
>catch all to dump my other logs into.
>What problems are you having?   Have you connected to the PC?  If so,
>and when set up correctly, it will grab freq and mode from the radio.
>It works pretty well with JAWS, and I would guess the same with other
>screen readers.  I do find some of the menu screens need some help with
>the JAWS cursor.
>73, Steve KW3A