The only really accurate watt meter, which won't help us totals at 
all, is the Byrd.

This is especially true at vhf/uhf frequencies.

The Wave Node system may come close to the Byrd, but I don't know the 
specs on it.

The RF Applications meter with the CW output isn't too bad, but it too 
is not a Byrd meter.

The indication provided by all other watt meters, accessible or 
otherwise, should be viewed as relative.

While this may be a bit disappointing, remember that a relative 
reading can also tell you when you are having trouble such as Tom 
recently experienced with his 590.

As for the readings from the meter inside the radio, this meter is 
reading on the radio side of the tuner. Any external meter, when used 
along with an antenna tuner that is internal to the radio, is reading 
the natural SWR of the antenna, and the power after the insertion loss 
of the tuner.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs