Dear Sir/Madam, Please find below a press release for publication from the Minnesota group. Help us pass the word around. If you know of any other media outlet, please help forward for publication. 
 Thank you all for being vigilant and helping to condemn Jammeh's arrogance.  Best wishes, The Minnesota Group.


 Rally In St. Paul (Minnesota) on Monday September 3rd 2012 

Please join your fellow, Gambians, Senegalese and friends of
Gambia, in a mass demonstration to be held in St. Paul Minnesota on Monday
September 3rd 2012 from 10.00am to 12.00pm CST. The address for the rally will
on 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jnr. Blvd, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155.  

The demonstration follows Jammeh’s mass execution of
death-row inmates in the Gambia by firing squad. Those murdered included two
Senegalese nationals.  This is to demand
that Jammeh stop the impunity and the mass executions of death-row inmates.
From 1994 to date, Gambians has witnessed nightmares of unleashed state terror
ranging from abductions, arbitrary arrests, killings and other human rights

Please show up with your families and friends! Come and help
protect the remaining lives on the verge of being executed by Yaya Jammeh.
Remember the good old saying that the life you save might be your own. 

For any further details, please contact the Minnesota State
Capitol on Tel: 651-296-2881 for directions OR find your way to the front steps
of the state capitol building in St. Paul, Minnesota. 

Thank you all so much for registering your presence in
history. Please make sure there is no TRASH when you leave the venue.  

May God bless ALL!! Amen!! 

Please sign the following Petition as time permits you.    


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