At one time, I had my TMV71 mounted beneath a shelf using the mobile 
bracket, but leaving the control head attached.

When I changed desks, I did not want to put holes in the shelf, at 
least not yet. But leaving the TMV71 flat on the desk made it hard to 
work the knobs.

One day while a cabinet maker was doing some work at the house next 
door, I gave him the dimensions of the radio, with a half inch or so 
added to the width, told him what I wanted to do, and asked him for a 
scrap of whatever wood he might have on hand.

He went through the small pieces that were left over from the job, 
found a piece of 5/8 inch ply wood that was suitable, then cut it to 
my measurements.

After a hand sanding job that would have caused my high school 
industrial arts teacher to think that maybe I did pay attention now 
and then, my wife stained and varnished the board to match my desk.

I then put 4 stick-on rubber feet on one side of the board, and 
installed the mobile mounting bracket on the other. The TMV71 now sits 
in the bracket rather than hangs from it, and the height above the 
desk is just right for easy use. The rubber feet add just a little 
more elevation, and keep the radio from sliding around the desk.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs