On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 07:00, Don Wiss wrote:

>I posted a positive review for this one (though I should have pointed
>out there is too much bacon):

Writing from outside the US, I am amazed at how heavily bacon features in palaeo food over there. I have generally steered clear of bacon for health reasons, though I do eat nitrate-/ nitrite-free bacon which I get from a local organic butcher in Australia who pickles and smokes his bacon on the premises. I buy a single piece 2-3 kg (5-7 lb) at a time and dice it and slice it depending on what I'm cooking. When I say nitrate-/ nitrite-free, I really mean free of the chemicals - as pickling with natural agents will bring in the nitrates and nitrites associated with them - celery, for example.

For some months I'll be living in the UK and nitrate/nitrite free bacon is available only over the internet, and that in 184g serves. And in the UK all bacon is sliced, most has the rind and nearby fat removed. About half the bacon here is unsmoked.