I am afraid this is  erroneous. For one thing, cooked foods generate opioids(such as found in Maillard reaction products) which influence the brain changing hormone levels etc., thus causing addiction to cooked foods, making them seem tastier than they really are. The worst example are junk foods as these are usually heavily processed. Incidentally, opioids are not just found in cooked foods but also in grains and dairy(even raw dairy). Indeed, supermarkets know all about this latter issue, which is why they often deliberately add preservatives based on grains(gluten) or dairy(casein) to their  highly processed pre-cooked "ready-meals" in order to get people even further hooked on their products. Here's some basic info re this, with references to numerous scientific studies:-







Incidentally, there is a rawpalaeo-like movement called "Instincto". The whole idea behind Instincto is that cooked foods create toxins and opioids which confuse the brain and make people eat far more than they should etc. The idea is that by going all raw and all-palaeo, one starts developing a taste for rawpalaeo foods after a while and one is then able to eat according to one's natural instincts, not overindulging like so many on cooked diets etc.

As regards going rawpalaeo, most rawpalaeodieters report finding that they get used to and enjoy/prefer the taste of raw animal foods, in general,  after c. 8-12 months or so. Of course,  some rawpalaeos get used to it all long before that either wholly or partially. Those still eating lots of cooked foods as well, tend to take  longer to get rid of their addiction to cooked foods, of course.  It's no surprise that a transitional/deconditioning stage is often required as one's food-preferences are already determined to some extent during pregnancy and in the early years of childhood:-


Lastly, I have always been puzzled at claims that cooked meats taste better.  In actual fact, when one thinks about it, most cooked-food-eaters feel the need to  smother their cooked foods  in endless sauces, herbs and spices(ketchup, mustard, salt(especially), pepper, worcester sauce, HP sauce etc. etc.) in order to make them more tasty, thus making it clear that cooked foods actually are less tasty and that it's just addiction re opioids on the brain that makes them want to eat more. By contrast, long-term rawpalaeos  usually don't feel the need to add any extra sauces, however raw, to their raw meats, as they find the taste of raw meats to be sufficient on their own.

(One thing I noticed, when first transitioning to a raw, palaeolithic diet, was that I was, at first, put off by the richest-tasting raw  animal foods(raw organ-meats and raw wild game), but that, as I got further used to and enjoyed the taste of raw animal foods, I started finding that those 2 very foods actually tasted even better than standard, fresh, raw meats.)
