Yaya, you will die before you can silence me. Be a man dude and stop hiding behind this Ansu nonsense. If you cannot be truthful in who you are, how can you tell anyone anything? There is no Ansu Bojang so quit the dishonesty. You see how your tribal jackass is flushed out.Joe
> Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 13:29:58 -0400
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [G_L] Freedomnewspaper radio Allahu Akbarr
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Joe,
> I call you a tribalist for you show or your utterances show that you have complete contempt for the Mandinkas.  I can only infer that it is because you do not like Mandinkas for your warped logic and lies that you have spinning in your head.  You come here putting words in people's mouth and maliciously interpreting people's words to fit your anti Mandinka sentiments.  Don't interject other people in this debate who I have not implicated as tribalists like Halifa, OJ, Hamat etc..  I will call anyone who comes here and egregiously throws around tibalist views and you are number one in that.
> For all I know, sometimes it seems like you are neither here no there.  Whether you benefit from your Mandinka bashing as a Jola or not only you know that.  It seems like you cannot just listen to others debate issues that you do not have anything important to contribute without throwing in your mandinka bashing nonsense.  Sometimes you just have to hold it in and wait until you something valuable to say.  If you cannot hold it in and say stuff here that others disagree with they will call you out whether you like it or not.
> Ansu.
> Joe said:
> Ansu, a tribalist's aim should be to gain something for himself and his tribe, right? As a Jola, what am I gaining? You never once heard me to defend against your call on Yaya as a Jola Tribalist, have you? So, where is my benefit as a Jola Tribalist against Mandinkas? Is that rational? Oh, I get it, I am a tribalist against Mandinkas just because. No, you all show up here to peddle this gabage that by virtue of your numbers, therefore, you should lead Gambia at all times. That is what folks detest and will challenge you at all times. Here we go again. How come all you who howl are Mandinkas? You all cannot win for loosing. Please humor me and have a non-Mandinka to call me a Mandingo Tribalist. Those Mandinkas that see value in our strength in diversity have no problem with the rest of us. Gambia is not and will never be yours alone no matter how much you all try. I guess Halifa, Henry, and Hamat are all Mandinka tribalist in your view as they are preventing your Ousainou from being crowned. You can't help it Ansu, can you?
> Joe
> > Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 12:29:10 -0400
> > From: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: [G_L] Freedomnewspaper radio Allahu Akbarr
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > 
> > Joe,
> > 
> > Actually, you are the tribalist and Bamba called you on it and you have nothing to say but this. You are a smart guy but your head is so stuffed with tribalism your smarts get confused by it. As I have asked you before, please try to clean your mind of this fealt and you will have more credibility and perhaps you can be useful in this national debate.
> > 
> > Ansu
> > 
> > Joe said:
> > Bamba, the way you reason, had you be Jola, you'd be right in Gambia presiding over us with Yaya. Your world view is tribal and that is neither good for you nor I. Leading to each elections, we see your type surface only to help Yaya stay on. Cling to your Mandinka greatness and see what that will fetch you come November 24. 
> > 
> > Joe
> いいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい
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