I was listening to a Rob Wolf podcast this morning, some of which is  
excellent and some of which I find questionable, and I started to  
think, what are my health basics?

Diet: Very low carb, moderate protein paleo (100g of protein per day  
on average); no dairy, no chocolate, no coffee; no fear of saturated fat

Supplements: Potassium, magnesium and fish oil if I'm not getting  
sufficient Omega 3s from my food

Exercise: I believe exercise is ineffective for weight loss,  
counterproductive even in the case of "aerobics."  I do high intensity  
weight training two times a week based on Arthur Jones' principles*.   
I run barefoot (or in my Vibram Five Fingers shoes) a mile and a half  
to the gym and a mile and a half home those two days a week. Saturday  
mornings are always intense yardwork for two hours.

*As much as is possible with free weights.  Arthur Jones said that  
effective exercise is direct, variable, full range, full body (no  
split body workouts), intense, single set.  Oh, how I mourn the  
availability loss of the Jones-designed Nautilus machines.