Windows 7 for seniors for Dummies is available for download on the BARD site. No, you don't have to be a senior or a dummy to read this book. Just have an interest in Windows 7.  

One thing about the book is it reads like a tutorial with step by step instructions for doing stuff.  Another thing about the book is it has very few keyboard hot key instructions. There are a few but not many. You will hear a lot of click this and right click that. 

The section on email does cover email attachments. However the author uses Google Mail for the example instead of live mail. 

There are three navigation levels part, chapter and section. 

Here is the annotation and link:

Windows 7 for Seniors for Dummies 
Hinton, Mark Justice. Read by Butch Hoover. Reading time 7 hours 44 minutes. 
Guide to Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system explains using the desktop, creating and organizing documents, connecting to the Internet, playing games, watching movies, and protecting your computer and data. Describes the parts of a window and discusses accessories, printers, online shopping, photography, music playlists, and more. 2009. 
Download Windows 7 for Seniors for Dummies, DB69977 
 Below is a link for a so called comprehensive list of Windows 7 hotkeys.

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