Dear Haruna, 
Thank you for your ongoing support of SOS Children’s Villages in  2010.

In 2011, SOS will help even more children and families at risk  throughout 
the world. We hope that we can continue to count on your  support.

In countries across the world including the United States,  Haiti, 
Pakistan, Colombia, Togo, Liberia, and India, SOS children count on  generous 
individuals like you. With your support, children who have been left  with no 
family grow up not just thinking about their next meal, but about what  they 
might become in the future.  SOS youth grow up to become doctors,  lawyers, 
farmers, social workers, entrepreneurs and even SOS mothers. They give  back to 
their communities and work together to make the world a safer place.  

_Please join SOS in making 2011 a happy year for children at risk.  Make 
your 2010 year-end donation now_ 
ow&srcid=8209&srctid=1&erid=922423) .

I wish you and your family a  Happy New Year. 
Heather Paul, PhD 
Executive Director 
SOS Children's  Villages

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