Thanks for the remainders on the plight of Pa Modou. I wonder what the new GPU Europe is doing about the plight of their colleague. However, I pledge £30 as well. I'll also try speaking to brothers in the law here if they can take his case pro bono (for free). Charging an individual in such a situation should be the last thing a lawyer or solicitor should do. I am aware that, the flexibility that Yanks use to posses is largely gone due to his new post at the biggest law firm in London. He would have taken the case for free but with his work load and contractual arrangement, it is impossible to bring in outside work.
I have spoken to him about the case, he played a pivotal role in Pa Modou staying, I hope there can be a way to represent Pa Modou for free. One can also explore the legal aided Law societies as well. Raising £1500 will be a tall order the way we operate. Pa Modou is not working, may be doesn't have solid individuals close to home to foot the bill. This is where the spirit of community needs to come out.
Keep up the good work.

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 11:19 PM, Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
We are approaching D-Day for our friend Pa Modou. I encourage my coleagues and friends here at Ellen to see if they can help improve our position. His legal bill that will be due in a few days is 1,500 pounds. Please Help!!!


I am in receipt of HRH's gift of $35.00 to Pa Modou's appeal efforts. Please join me in thanking HRH for her generosity and consideration. HRH has gifted many a times before to her fellow citizens in need. It is the mark of a good Samaritan to consider relief for total strangers. Allah/God/DaarManso will be the judge of your reward HRH. Thank you. May Allah consider your honor of our fallen Musa Amadou Pembo.

I encourage our friends and coleagues to give Luwaye-Am

Total raised so far: $151.12
Haruna - On behalf of Deyda Hydara, Chief Ebrima Manneh, Kanyibaa Kanyi, Hons. Femi Peters & Koro Ceesay, and Omar Barrow  - $50.00 - Pledged.
Anonymous HRH - on behalf of the late brother Musa Amadou Pembo - $10.00 - Received.
Prince Bubacarr Sankanu - 50 Euros/$66.12 - Received.
Anonymous HRH - $25.00 - Received.
Haruna Darbo - $50.00 - Pledged - Received.

-----Original Message-----
From: Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
To: GAMBIA-L <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wed, Nov 17, 2010 11:05 pm
Subject: Update: Ellen Fundraising for Pa Modou Bojang Relief Fund

We are informed that our friend and coleague Pa Modou Bojang has been accorded an in-country right to appeal the earlier decision on his asylum case. We thank the UK government and courts for this forebearance. This generosity de-escalates Pa Modou's case a bit and affords him the opportunity to escape certain death if he were not accorded this opportunity.

I urge Pa-Modou's lawyers to work doubly hard because a favorable decision is not a foregone conclusion yet. There is now a higher burden of proof placed on them and generally when you have to prove the imminence of death when the person has not been killed yet, the work becomes more difficult. I am hopeful however and I commend the UK government and the Home Office for de-escalating the matter.

Also I received a note from Anonymous HRH that she has completed her pledge and I will effort to retrieve the gift she sent tomorrow. I take this opportunity to update the fund-drive in advance of my receipt of Anonymous HRH's gift to Pa-Modou Bojang.

I encourage our friends and coleagues to give to the fund-drive because the work has just gotten harder even though Pa-Modou was accorded this temporal relief. The appeal will be heard in a couple of weeks. Time is against us.


Total raised so far: $151.12
Anonymous HRH - on behalf of the late brother Musa Amadou Pembo - $10.00 - Received.
Prince Bubacarr Sankanu - 50 Euros/$66.12 - Received.
Anonymous HRH - $25.00 - Received.
Haruna Darbo - $50.00 - Pledged - Received.

Badou de Kaolack,
This is a friendly challenge to you, the businessman. If it is possible for you to contribute any amount to our friend Pa Modou Bojang's relief before the end of October 2010, my uncle in Canada Nurudeen Jabbie agrees to match your contribution dollar for dollar even if he will lose during the currency exchange.
It is only a friendly challenge and if you are unable to meet the challenge at this time, I will understand. Do let me know so I can get another challenger for uncle Nurudeen. We can use the funds. Mr. Bojang's case is getting close to reaching a climax and retiring his legal debt will be one more headache he has to deal with as his fate is being decided by the UK courts.
Thank you in advance BDK.
Anonymous HRH - on behalf of the late brother Musa Amadou Pembo - $10.00 - Pledged.
Prince Bubacarr Sankanu - 50 Euros/$66.12 - Received.
Anonymous HRH - $25.00 - Pledged.
Haruna Darbo - $50.00 - Pledged - Received.
Friends and coleagues,
I come to you once again to join with you in yielding relief for our friend and countryman Pa-Modou Bojang. I take this opportunity to again thank all of you for assisting with The Chief Manneh Family Relief Fund and The Kanyibaa Kanyi Family Relief Fund. Those who have pledged in those fundraisers, but for one reason or the other could not complete their generous pledges are encouraged to complete their gifting to the Pa-Modou Bojang Relief Fund.
We are all by now aware of Pa-Modou's chagrin and angst. Our friend and fellow citizen who worked as a journalist with a UNESCO-sponsored community radio station in Brikama educated and informed Gambians under enormous threat and risk. Government harrassment, threats to his person and property, and NIA arrest and detention, were Pa-modou's experiences as he toiled to elevate the consciences of a destituted people. He did not do it for fame and riches. He did not do it for any future remuneration or fancy. He did it because of his love for broadcasting and his fundamental rights of free expression and speech.
Pa-Modou was able to flee the persecutions in Gambia to the UK. The land of the free spirit. The land of Human Rights and considerate justice. Now Pa-Modou is again under threat. Threat of deportation from the UK back to Gambia. Could a single human being endure such torment and despondency? We are delighted to hear that the UK government has re-considered Pa-Modou's expeditious deportation and we look forward to that government according him full Asylum and relief. All this did not come easily. It came via frantic efforts of Pa-Modou's friends, Amnesty-International-UK, his fellow citizens, distinguished UK citizens, his legal aid advisor, and the law firm of one of his fellow citizens. We are forever indebted to these good samaritans, who helped save a life.
Pa-Modou's friends in the UK have embarked on a fund-raising effort to retire his legal debts. They are reaching out to us for support in this area. Our coleague and fellow citizen Abdoukarim is in touch with Britt and other friends of Pa-Modou in the UK, that we may yield Pa-Modou relief through a synergy of all our efforts.
Thank you for your audience and considerations.
Please send your generous gifts and pledges to:

The Global Democracy Project
For: Pa-Modou Bojang Relief Fund
P.O. Box 775
Lithia Springs, GA 30122
I begin the effort by pledging $50.00 to the effort.
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Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran

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