I've had a Victor Stream for about a year and a half. the first few months, I would transfer books by plugging the Stream to the computer, using the USB cable. Two or maybe three times, I had the problem Annemarie describes. Humanware tech support also told me my card might be big or low-quality. Interesting, since I was using a 2 GB card, and the brand was SanDisk,, which was what was recommended by the techs.
After the second or third Media Error 3 experience, I started transferring books by putting the SD card into a card reader. Since then, I haven't had any problems (knock on wood), and the card I've been using for over a year is an 8 GB. So maybe the transfer process is somehow less stable when the device itself is being used. Not sure.
I really like the Stream, but having a couple of media error 3 experiences within a couple of months was not an auspicious beginning.

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