Hi All,

I am attempting to get back into working with dStar again.  Here is my 

I am using a dStar dongle with JAWS.  The previous dStar software was fairly 
accessible with JAWS, but they have revised the software and it is not 
accessible at all now.  I have a friend who is going to contact the software 
developer to see if he will make the necessary changes so it can work with 

Since Icom is the only company making dStar radios and none of those take a 
speech board, if we want to use dStar the dongle is the best way to go. 
What I need to know is other than Microsoft and Freedom Scientific is there 
any other source of information we need to give the developer in order to 
help him make this more accessible.

One thing in our favor, we can tell him that EchoLink works just fine.  I 
feel he will be glad to work with us if he just knows what we need.

Any help and info will be appreciated.
