Both 10 and 6 meters are full of signals here in Mississippi this

On 10, the K0KP 500 MW beacon on 28.212.8 is 599, and a 3 watt beacon
from Illinois on 28.214 is even stronger.

The 6 meter beacon band is full of signals from the mid west and east

I made a 3 way qso on 10 meter AM last night with a station in Kansas
City, and one in Washington State. That was some of the best double
hop E skip I've experienced in years.

I also worked two stations in Colorado Springs on 15 meter AM.

So, crank up something, and get on the air using your favorite mode.

I plan to be on 15 meter AM on 21.425, or 10 meter AM on 29.000 or
above if the band gets busy. Will probably hit 6 meter CW or SSB at 
some point as well.

Dust off that converted CB rig, or
whatever 10 or 6 meter box you have, and take it on a Saturday morning

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs