<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello I am a freshman at Grand Valley State University. My brother was diagnosed with Celiac's Disease this past year. I am currently taking an entrepreneur class and as my project, I'm doing research on opening a gluten-free bakery.   If you could take a few minutes to answer the following questions, it would be a great help to me.  
Thank you!  (and thanks, Mom, for letting me use your forum :-)   
1. How long have you had to follow a restricted diet? 
a) Under 1 year 
b) Less than 5 years 
c) 5 years or more 

2. Do you have any other dietary restrictions?  What are they? 
3. Do you usually buy premade food, or cook/bake yourself? 
4. If there was a local bakery that offered lessons on gluten-free baking, would you be interested? 
5. How many people do you know that follow similar dietary restrictions? 

6. Are there any gluten-free bakeries near your home? 

7. Do you have any children who must follow a restricted diet?  If so, what are there ages? 

8. Do you belong to a local Celiac Support group?    If not, is it because there aren't any locally? 

Visit the Celiac Web Page at Http://www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html
Archives are at: Http://Listserv.icors.org/SCRIPTS/WA-ICORS.EXE?LIST=CELIAC