I will have you know that I have secured a position in the management team of Ellen. So all these spelling and grammatical errors, all these un-cited sharing, all these Haruiner insolence, and all this ginoring Haruna, will not be tolerated henceforth. I think JC and Karim like to say that. So if you think the good people of Ellen will be dragged into mosques, churches, and synagogues, against their express will, you got another thing coming. And don't think about apologising later cos you're forewarned. As it stands, my partners and I are monitoring you closely. That's all I have to say. And I don't like repeating myself.
Haruna. I will not be disrespected by a preacher.
In a message dated 2/1/2010 12:45:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes:
I don't mind to be criticised Haruna but constructive criticism with respect to one and other keeps my spirits alive. I love you man (as a brother) hehe; even thus you are a pain in the ass sometimes and is the same reason i am concern about you, I know you are a good man and you don't mean harm but some times we are kind of mandated to put each other true no matter how close we are. Anyway sorry if I happens to step on your toes yesterday thus it may not be the last but God forgives us at any time we asked. Besides, stop asking where i get those articles if you don't read the first part due to you dislike to it. Go back to your trash box to retrieve them back. Edi
These healing prayers are to be distributed to any interested person. We believe in Essa's profit hood in Islam too therefore it shouldn't be a sin to use his given name in healing. So try to help as many people as possible more will follow suit in the coming days. here you go;

Soul-infused Prayer  

Through the authority vested in me by the Cosmic Christ Consciousness, I pray to become a more soul-infused personality. I give my soul and the Cosmic Christ Consciousness permission for additional strings of consciousness to come into me, without fear or any negative side effects to my physical, mental, spiritual or emotional bodies. Thank you and Amen. (3 times) daily.    

Healing Prayer – By BJ King  

‘Holy Mother/ Father God of Light, Divine Creator of All That Is, through the authority vested in me by the C.C.C., I deliberately call forth to the Body Intelligence of ………... (your name or the name of the person you are intended to heal) I ask this Intelligence to override any beliefs in ………..’s emotional or mental bodies and subconscious mind, that believes it needs or wants this disease. I ask ………….'s Oversoul to replace these beliefs with the belief in perfect health and total balance of all bodies, magnetic and mental systems. And because it has been promised that where two or three are gathered together in the name of Christ, the energy of miracles and healing is present. We now claim this healing through the power of the Holy Spirit and the C.C.C.  And so it is, Amen. (3times).
You NEED permission of the individual or their over-soul to do this ritual and no money should be exchange for the regard.   

Use this EXACTLY how it is stated. DO NOT

CHANGE any of the words.  


--- On Mon, 1/2/10, Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Interesting (Joel part 4)
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Monday, 1 February, 2010, 15:37

You forgot to tell us who the author is or cite the source of this. It seems interesting but I hope its not from Richard or Ruth. You are really testing my patience. And you had learned to break these dreams up in digestible lots but I see you are reverting back to the annoying portions. I encourage you to have consideration for us before its too late.
In a message dated 1/31/2010 5:28:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes:

I am the bread of life, but he said, "I am truth". Therefore truth is the bread of life, truth is bread. Give us this day our daily bread. Give us this day an understanding heart. Give us this day the staff of life, spiritual understanding.. Give us an ear that we can hear with, an eye that we can see with. Give us perception. Give us substance, the substance of life.

Don't you remember the great passage, which appears in two of the Gospels, Matthew and Luke? Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink or wherewithal ye shall be clothed. Now isn't that clear enough that he told you not to pray for things. And so when he says, "Give us this day our daily bread," certainly he's meaning, give us understanding, give us the meat that perisheth not, give us the wine of inspiration, give us the water that springs up into life eternal. There's nothing material about that.

Then where does he go on from there? Lead us not into temptation. Why certainly, as human beings is there a single one of us that has ever avoided temptation? It may not be…some may not have been tempted to sin in the ways of the world. But there isn't a person certainly in this room who hasn't been tempted to sin in the way of unloving, injustice, envy, hate, malice, jealousy, some form of error, some form of sin; criticism, judgment, condemnation, throwing the first stone. Who hasn't sinned or hasn't been tempted to sin?

There may be some who have never indulged but the Master himself was tempted. And we have the story in the Bible of the three temptations in the wilderness. He was anhungered and he was tempted to turn stones into bread. He was tempted to go out after fame. You never dreamed did you that the Master Christ Jesus was really tempted to go out after fame. But he was, he was. He was in a position where he could become the most famous man of the Holy Land. And he was tempted with it. And he told you he was tempted with it. And then he told you how he met it. Pondered it and pondered it and finally turned on it and said "Get thee behind me Satan." But it was a temptation facing him right face to face.

Now then, everyone's tempted. Everyone has to be; evil temper, some unkindness, some bigotry, some bias. Everyone's tempted. And so it becomes necessary that we pray every day Oh, lead me not into temptation. You may not be praying to a God to do anything, but you're praying to that inner self of you to stay on the straight and narrow path.

And so it is, you will find that you can pray to God for anything you like, as long as you don't pray for anything material. Pray for spiritual unfoldment. Pray for spiritual realization. Pray for the spirit of Christ to be upon you. Pray for forgiveness from those temptations that we may have succumbed to. Anything of a spiritual nature, but don't pray for things.. And so it is all the way through the Master's teaching.. Father I know that thou hearest me always; Father I pray not that Thou take them out of the world but leave them in the world, but let them be separate. So forth and so on.

Now let us come back here. "Please explain how one deals with specific treatments."

Now, here we have a broad principle. Now, we've spent three nights on this principle, a very broad principle.. But, now somebody says "I am sick, very sick and in pain."

So now we have to bring our principle right down to a specific case, to a specific application. Because now, just dealing in generalities isn't a treatment, isn't the answer to the problem. And so now we come to an individual who has said to another individual "I am sick.. I am in pain. Do something about it. Help me."

Now, you have to take your principle and bring it right down to concrete realization. And to begin with you can do it in this wise. We will say now that you're seated comfortably somewhere, away from the rest of the family. You've had this call for help. And now you drop that person and their disease or claim. You drop that out of your thought. And the first word that must come into your thought is, `God.'

You never are going to go anywhere in this work if you start your treatment with any other word than `God.' God. Now, remember too that this is not a formula that I'm giving you. Please remember that repeating these words won't heal anybody. Your treatment has to be somewhat spontaneous, although it must abide in the mould of the form.

All right. God. Oh, oh, wait a minute that was a person who asked for help, but God is infinite being.. Oh, God then must be the only person. God appears as this person. So? Oh, well then only the qualities of God are present. Only the quantity of God is present. Only the laws of God are present. Only the life of God is present. The allness of God is present. The purity of God is present. Why, the infinite nature of God's pure being is individually expressed as this individual. Oh, there we are with that is. And there we are with that am. And there we are with that as.

All that God is, this individual is. Because there is no `this individual', there is only God appearing as this individual. And all that God is, this individual is. Am, is, is, is, as. Do you see that? You are applying that specifically. God is the life of individual being. God is the purity of individual being. God is the soul of individual being. God is the only law and the only lawgiver.

Oh, but wait a minute. There claims to be a law of matter here, a law of disease, a law of germs, a law of infection, a law of contagion or a law of heredity. Ah, but since God is infinite and there can only be one law and it's spiritual, then what is there to material law or medical law or? Why, it's nothing but illusion, no substance. It's a belief, it's a belief, it's a belief. But we aren't believers of it therefore it can't affect us.

Now, the world may well die from believing in the power of infection and contagion, but it will not come nigh your dwelling place if you do not accept the belief of infection or contagion as having power. Do you see that? It isn't only that infection and contagion have no power, but the universal belief in them has no power. You have to nullify even the material law and the mental law behind it. Follow that? Isn't as easy as when we were dealing just with a principle. Now we are applying that principle to a specific case.

Or supposing we have a case where we have instead of a sick person, we have a bad person. And there we are again. We start with God. Oh, but God being infinite, God's nature is the only nature of this person, therefore there are no qualities of good or evil. There are only the qualities of God, spirit, life, truth.

Now, in almost every case that comes to you, you will find some law at work. It'll be a law of human nature or a law of matter or a law of heredity or a law of infection or contagion or a law of decomposition or a law of breakage. Now, this is not just another branch of materia medica. Spiritual healing isn't just going around taking people's sick bodies and making them well. This healing work …

There's always some kind of law and therefore you have to handle that and realize "Ah yes, but none of these are laws, there is only one law." In other words, there isn't even a law of convalescence. There can only be one law and that is the law, which is God and that is spirit, omnipresent, eternal, here and now. As, is, am. Do you see that?

Or you may have the case of life, it may be somebody dying or very sick. And so you'll start with God.. But God is life. How many lives are there? Well, if God is infinite there is only one life. And the life of God is the life of individual being. How old is It? Forty billion years old and yet It has no old age because God is just as young today as when It was conceived. And so you see we have no age to deal with because we have not the life of man, we have the life of God to deal with, which is the life of man.

And there's no other way to absolutely maintain the life and vitality and strength and health of your body than to know that you have no life, strength or health; that only God has. But all that God has is because there's only one. Do you see that? There's no other way. Except to give up your own life and acknowledge that the only life there is is God and it's not subject to matter nor is it subject to material beliefs. It's not subject to material conditions or mental conditions. It's subject only to Itself, which is God Itself, the law and the life itself.

Well. it may be an accident. And so you've got to sit down with the accident. Now, if God is the intelligence of the universe, could there be an accident? No. Then this that appears to be an accident is without law, without cause and without effect. It exists only as an illusory picture in thought. Do you see that? And thereby you wipe out the accident and the effects of the accident and the beliefs about the accident..

Oh yes, never doubt this. We never neglect anyone who asks for help. Nor do we treat it lightly, nor joke about it, nor believe just by saying "Folderol" that something's going to happen. There has to be a specific and conscious realization of the truth. And sometimes it has to be persisted in for long periods.

Right now, I have a group of five students and we are taking up these cases, which have heretofore been called `incurable' by materia medica. Whenever a case comes to me…you see on account of my writings being so spread around the world and people read them and then say "This must be the greatest healer in the world.. We'll write to him.." And so I get mail from all over the world and as you might know, they are all the cases that nobody else was able to cure. So I get multiple sclerosis and polio and blue babies and yellow babies. (Laughter) Everything under the sun that materia medica has called `incurable' comes to The Infinite Way doorstep.

Now, there was a time when I took it to Light in setting aside periods each day for that type of case.. And working on them, sometimes for years, to bring about some semblance of healing. And with some we had fair success and with some, none. But now that I can't do that, traveling the way I do, I can't undertake to take one of those, almost impossible from the human standpoint, cases.

And so we have these five students at home and we work them all out together and they agree to work on them every single day of the week. So every time one of these cases comes to me, our five students take hold. And every single day of the week they are given one and two treatments, so as to see what can be done with this belief of incurability. And so far I have not too much to report because we only began a few months ago. And I do know this though, we are going to solve whatever is possible a solution along that line.

Now then, if you have a case like that in your family, where you have one of these conditions that according to medicine is `incurable', and where your own experience shows that everything that's been done for it hasn't worked, I only have one solution for you. Accept your responsibility and go to work on that case every single day of the week, and if necessary two or three times. And see what you can do with it, because eventually you will meet it if you're faithful.

If you will treat along these lines, you will find that you will break through. To what extent you will break through – well there are so many different circumstances involved that nobody can tell you. I have handled multiple sclerosis and I have seen it react in several ways. In some cases I have had absolutely no response. That was very few cases. In most of the cases I had an immediate cessation of the deterioration. And was able to keep the person in good health and active, and even able to earn a living, although not bringing out the full and complete healing. And in that I have never yet had a full and complete healing.

Now, so it is. I have had the strangest experience with cataracts. I've had some of the most marvelous healings, absolutely instantaneous. And I've had a few very slow healings, and I've had some with absolutely no response at all. Where it was just as if I – I might just as well have been treating a blank wall.

So you see, there are some of these claims that we do not yet know all there is to be known about them and we're working at it. And you have to do the same thing. Where you have conditions like that, you have to undertake the responsibility because you can't afford to hire a practitioner to give their life to your family. And some of these cases really take just that. Consecration, two, three, four times a day until you break through some of those cases.

Now, I'm speaking from the standpoint of the unusual case. The normal ills or the normal problems that come up are very quickly dealt with, if you deal with them correctly. If you are willing to actually sit down and realize this as and is and am. And then take that nature of error and look, look it right in the face, whatever the claim may be, and say, "Yes, but what are you? Do you exist out there, or are you an illusion? Do you have a law to support you? Do you have a cause?" Do you see that? And then you'll find out that you'll meet most of the cases that come to you very quickly.

I have an idea that most of these so-called `incurable' cases are not really physical at all. They appear outwardly as physical but they have something to do with soul influence or lack of it; sense of separation from God, probably even in pre-natal experience. Not that they're responsible for it. Don't ever criticize or judge anybody, because none of us are responsible for the particular ills that we have. They are something that are beyond our ability to have…until we're spiritual students..

 After we're spiritual students then its spiritual wickedness in high places to go and sin some more. The Master tells you "I forgive you but go and sin no more." The person who has come to a spiritual teaching and then insists on human conduct, they have themselves to blame for the consequences.

And that is one reason that this class work is so sacred to me. Please be assured that I have absolutely no interest in any of the money that's involved in my class work. Not any interest whatsoever. I can live beautifully without it. So that I am guided only by one motive in my class work, and that is to bring students to as high a level of spiritual development as I can.

Now, for that reason I try to not have students go through closed class until they are sufficiently studied in the writings and recordings, so that at least they have a basis, a foundation. So that when they hear me, they're not listening to Greek or Sanskrit; that they understand what I'm talking about, they've met it in the books, they've seen the principles here and there. And they're familiar with it. Then I don't mind how many closed classes a person goes through while they're on the way.

But I would like for everyone not to give consideration to practitioner classes until they've had at the very least six months, a year, a year and a half to put this that they learn in the closed class into work, into action. So that they are beginning to get some response to it, beginning to bring out healings. Then when they begin to bring out healings, then they're ready for practitioner work, which will really put the seal on it.

Now, why is this? The reason is that the mere fact that I tell you these things or the mere fact that you hear them later on tape isn't going to do you a bit of good. It's only what registers in your consciousness and what you develop through constant practice that's going to do you good. If you can take the lessons that you have received in these three nights, and if you could practice these as faithfully as we have a right to expect of you; if you would practice these for the next six months or the next year, you will begin to see some fine healing work come through.

Then, if you had some fine healing work come through, you would be ready for some of the work of the practitioner class. Then, again, keep on attending closed classes, as many as possible, as many practitioner classes as possible. Because you're not learning more, you are having your spiritual consciousness developed. I can't increase your knowledge after the first closed class. You've got all the knowledge in that. You've got the whole letter of truth in this class and in my books. I'll never add any knowledge to you after this. But I will certainly deepen your consciousness if you let me. But I can't do it just by taking you through class after class after class. No, no, no, that's just adding a lot of knowledge.

You must take the principle that you're given, practice it, practice it, practice it; the same as if you were studying music. Wouldn't it be terrible if you found a music teacher who would give you a lesson every day of the week without you having practiced what you got the day before? You'd know right well that teacher wanted nothing but your fees. And so it is here. If we were interested in fees, maybe we'd be conscienceless enough to say, "Well, go to class every day and let's keep on going." But that's not the object of this work. That's not.. The only part money plays in this work is the expense that's taken care of with it; no other purpose.

The object of this work is developing the spiritual consciousness of the student, because the spiritual consciousness will do healing work. It will do more than healing work; it'll change the whole consciousness of this world. But not by the knowledge you get in class, but by what you do with the knowledge that you get in class. To what extent you use it in the developing of your consciousness.

Now those who know me in the States, if you could meet them, will tell you. To me a class is a sacred, sacred, sacred undertaking and its one that I'm very, very fussy about. I have lots of fights about it because all the people don't agree that I'm right. But it just so happens that I agree that I am right and I'm a majority with me. (Laughter) I don't have a board of directors or a board of governors. I don't even have an advisory council. I go to God; God tells me what I want to know. And if I'm mistaken in what He tells me then I pay the penalty. And afterwards I have to correct it.

But this is what I have learned in my life. When I began the healing work I was getting fine results in healing right from the beginning. But I didn't understand it. I didn't understand why or how.. And all you have to do is look at my record and you will see I spent sixteen years finding out, before I ever taught one person. Now, that's having patience. But that is because I didn't want to make a mistake. I didn't want the responsibility for…you see this work is the soul of a person it isn't their body. If you only kill their body that would be all right, they'd get another chance to pick it up and start over.

But if you give people wrong spiritual teaching, you're really perverting their soul. You're really putting them off the track and it may be generations before they get back on again. And a person who undertakes to teach should be awfully certain they're living close to God. Because otherwise you're tampering with another person's consciousness, another person's soul, another person's hopes of eternity. And that should not be done lightly.

And the proof that I've tried to do that is, that for sixteen years I never had a class. I just stayed in offices and healed and healed and healed and healed. Until in my final year I took care of one hundred and thirty-five cases per day, seven days per week, fifty-two weeks in that entire year. And then I said, "Now, I'm at the maximum, I can't take on any more. Now, I can stop." And I did stop that amount of practice and permitted the teaching to start. Do you see that? And so it is..

Now, if you look at these manuscripts that have come off the tapes from the beginning, you will find I haven't rubbed out a sentence. I haven't had a back track. I haven't had to say, "Well, I was mistaken about this." Not a sentence has been erased. Nobody has… no teacher, no practitioner, no student has ever been able to say to me "Look, you've got a wrong statement in your book." There may be a misprint somewhere but there are no wrong statements. Why? I waited sixteen years before those things came through.

Certainly, you can wait six months or a year and put these into practice. So that you say, "Aha, I've got the foundation. I've got my teeth into this little bit. Now I'm ready for another meal, a deeper meal." Do you see that? Then you'll find that we will have consecrated classes. Then you'll find we have consecrated students. Then you'll find that we can go out in the world and be an example.

But you know as well as I do there's already too much criticism about Christian Scientists and Unity students and New Thought students who aren't living up to what their teaching is, and the teaching gets blamed. The teaching has no right to get blamed. It's the fault of a student who goes through class for a week or a month and gets a degree and then tries to set themselves up as if they really knew something. And nobody knows anything that way, nobody does. This is a matter of spiritual unfoldment, spiritual development. And so it must be.

Now then, remember that every specific claim that presents itself to you has to be met in your consciousness, every specific claim. Not only when people ask you for help, but if you walk along the street and see an intoxicated person, that is a claim coming to you. If you see a crippled person, if you see a beggar, that is…don't ignore it, don't pass it by. Don't be like those fellows that pass by the man on the road to Jericho and let him lie there. Don't you let him lie there. Physically yes, spiritually no. Lift them right up in your consciousness to the truth of being.

We have had this experience now, three times. Once in Honolulu where we had a class like this. And we have some girls who have to take a bus to go to their home after the class. And we'd had a lesson on this very thing of not passing by. And this night, a girl got onto a bus and there was a man in the back very boisterous and very obscene in his language, and drunk as a lord. And this girl began immediately with the realization that God was manifest as individual being. As a matter of fact in that Honolulu class, the title of it is "The Infinite Nature of Individual Being". And so she started on that, the infinite nature of individual being. Individual being includes all that God is. Individual being has only the qualities of God. And so she began within herself and finally that man came over and touched her and said "Thank you for praying for me. I'm all right now."

And then we had a Canadian girl, a girl of nineteen, a little ballet dancer who was going through a class in Seattle and we'd had this very same lesson. And she was accustomed to going down to the coffee shop for a cup of tea before retiring after the class. And she got down there and at the very opposite end of the room is a man, and again intoxicated and boisterous, noisy. And she began here right with her realization. And this man walked over to her and said "Miss, will you talk to me about God?" And for thirty minutes he never let her go, kept her there talking to him about God. He said, "I will never drink another drop." Do you see that?

You can't pass by these people in the road who are sick, sinful, dead. Lift them up; lift them up in your consciousness. And realize the infinite nature of God as individual you and me, as, as, as. And then realize that that law is operating, is, is, is. Do you see that? And as you do that, if they're at all receptive, they'll get up and walk. They'll feel it; they'll know it.

There is an experience that took place in the shop, a tobacconist shop in Canada. A man was in there purchasing and he fell down dead. And somebody came in off the street. Then they called the doctor and the man was pronounced dead. But in that city there is a truth center and the minister of it is a very, very fine leader, a very fine minister, a very spiritual woman. And that woman was passing by the shop and seeing the crowd she walked in. And then she was told that this was a dead man, they were waiting for the ambulance. And she knelt by that man. And he got up and walked away. Yes, not an Infinite Way student, a truth student of other teachings. But a woman of sufficient developed spiritual consciousness that she could raise the dead. Do you see that?

Now, that is what we have to do. And you don't do that just going through class. You don't do that going through ten classes. You do that with whatever truth you have. And utilize it and utilize it and practice with it and practice with it until your consciousness is so developed that you won't see a dead man or a sick man or a drunkard or a beggar. But you will actually see through the appearance to the infinite nature of God appearing as individual being. And so you will have those healings. Now is that clear?


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