On Mon, 01 Feb 2010 14:06:29 -0600, Day, Wally <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I think Ken O. posted excellent advice - try to get back to your teenage  
> activity level. As a teenager I was not really into lifting weights, but  
> I did do a lot (and I mean *a lot*) of cycling and hiking (and fishing).  
> I've succesfully reintroduced the cycling part, now I need to work a bit  
> more on the hiking/fishing part.

I like that advice.  And  like you, I also spent a *lot* of time hiking,  
fishing, and cycling.  But back then I also had *time* for those things.   
These days I have to make do with weights, running, and martial arts  
crammed into a full schedule.

   Robert Kesterson
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