----- "Geoffrey Purcell" <[log in to unmask]> wrote: 
> If you honestly believe, contrary to established scientific opinion, that isolated, refined substances are exactly the same as the natural equivalent of that substance within foods, then I challenge you to do a diet consisting solely of artificial vitamins/minerals and amino-acids, in short processed equivalents of all the nutrients one needs for basic health. I'm sure your health would decline rapidly as a result. 

This just won't do. You have no business challenging me to anything. I presented information about the metabolism of fructose and its role in the etiology of NAFLD, and I pointed out the connection between that and insulin resistance. I can dig out more sources, if you like. My simple point was that a substance, such as fructose, can be both paleo and harmful, especially when consumed continuously over a long period of time. *You* responded by saying that most studies of fructose are "meaningless" because they use refined fructose, not fructose-containing whole foods. You added that the whole foods also contain "enzymes, bacteria, etc". The burden is on you to support your claims, or withdraw them. Do bacteria have do something to alter the metabolism of fructose in the liver? If so, which bacteria, and what effect? I think it's a red herring. What enzymes are you referring to, that change the metabolic pathway of ingested fructose? Enzymes have names, so name them. I made *no* general claim about diets of artificial vitamins and minerals, and I refuse to defend a straw man. If you have evidence that the fructose in whole fruit behaves differently from refined fructose, when ingested, then present it and we'll talk about that. If you don't, I think we can safely ignore your critique of the "meaningless" science. 

> In short, to equate the natural fructose in semen with something as harshly refined as corn-syrup is misleading. If it were that damaging, the body would have used some other more effective substance instead. 

Fructose is destructive when *ingested* regularly, because it is metabolized in the liver in exactly the same way as alcohol. This has nothing to do with the presence of fructose in semen. 

> AS for the PUFA question, a proper palaeo diet of grassfed meats/wild game etc. has the right omega-3- to omega-6 ratio so that it's a non-issue. 

...unless you also eat nuts, which are generally considered to be paleo. Most nuts and nut oils are heavily tilted toward omega-6, so it's not a non-issue at all. And note, again, that PUFA are implicated in the etiology of NAFLD. They are not harmless. 

Todd Moody 
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